Lost Dog comedy web series

A team of comedy producers has launched a new online channel of six web series, showcasing the work of Australian alternative comedy makers.

Lost Dog brings together a disparate group of alt. comedy video producers, writers, performers and animators, whose previous work includes online content, film, TV and live comedy.

The six mini-comedy shows have been worked into one half-hour episode of Lost Dog. The full episode and the six separate series are available every Monday at Lost Dog also screens on Channel 31 Melbourne (Digital 44), Saturdays at 10pm, repeated Wednesdays 12:30am, with other states to follow.

Senior producer Michael De Robbio said Lost Dog was a testing ground that he hoped would launch Australia’s future cult comedy makers. “Adult Swim has been a strong inspiration. We felt that in Australia we were missing a similar platform where some of our more unconventional comedy producers could find their audience. The shows are all fairly dark and twisted with a lot of mad ideas crammed into a short time frame. We have sketch shows, sitcoms and other stuff that is hard to pigeonhole.”

LOST DOG – Episode 1 from Lost Dog on Vimeo.