Plan of Attack: Four Corners

It was the crime that shocked a nation, the day that terror struck on home soil. The killing of police worker Curtis Cheng, shot dead in cold blood by a 15-year-old boy outside the headquarters of the NSW Police Force.

The school boy killer, Farhad Jabar, was not known to police.

“This is not something I think that we were really readily having on our horizons several years ago.” – NSW Police

It was the random act of violence that authorities had been warning of and it left the nation crying out for answers. How could a 15-year-old school boy, seemingly without warning, become a killer?

What you’re talking about with these individuals is the next manifestation.” – Counter terrorism specialist

His appalling crime seemed the very definition of a lone wolf attack. But was it?

Four Corners takes viewers inside the making of this teenage terrorist to reveal the forces that led to this chilling act of violence in the name of the so-called Islamic State.

“It isn’t individuals being brainwashed. People aren’t radicalised by online propaganda.” – Counter terrorism specialist

Plan of Attack, reported by Geoff Thompson and presented by Kerry O’Brien, goes to air on Monday November 23 at 8.30pm. It is replayed on Tuesday  November 24 at 10.00am and Wednesday at midnight.

It can also be seen on ABC News 24 on Saturday at 8.00pm, ABC iview and at